Saturday, September 18, 2010

Final Four Dots

For the critique of my circles, my group said things like I had wide variety in the placement of my circles, and that I had a good variation in size. But I did have an average of mostly big dots, and had a lot of one certain size, which was a Gatorade top. I didn’t have any really small dots though. I think the smallest size that I had was the top of a hand sanitizer keychain I have. The majority of all my circles went in some general direction, also. On the page of circles that is on the bottom right, my proximity one, my group suggested that I move the five bottom dots a little bit further away from the larger one on the top, to kind of spread it out a little bit more. I think that the pages of dots that my group picked were some of my strongest ones, so I really didn’t feel the need to choose any other ones. Sorry that this isn’t exactly long enough, but I’m not quite sure what else to write.

Sorry it's out of order.

Lecture Summary, Sept. 3

What is art?
  • Something an artist thought of: requires effort
  • An image of a person
  • You like the way it looks
  • An artifact, something someone made
  • There has to be a conscious decision that went into making the piece
To Present of Re-present
  • representation- one thing stands in for another
Styles of Representation
  • naturalistic- nature
  • realistic- true to life
  • stylized- simplified to emphasize important detail
  • abstract- highly stylized

Cardboard Progress Report

I'm going to stab myself in the face.

Cardboard Nature Study

It wouldn't post horizontal. Its having a stupid moment.